Art and Life: Reflections from the Garden

I am always doing what I cannot yet . . .

I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it.
— Pablo Picasso

I read this quote recently and really appreciated coming across it. I am a curious and inquisitive person. When I see an artwork that appeals to me, I try to figure out how it was created. Imagining the artist at work sparks ideas on what I can create. Then I gather the materials and begin to experiment. Or, I look at a piece of fabric or paper scraps and imagine what I can create with the…

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Believe and Begin - My January Prayer Flag



I began this flag based on the colors of winter, which around me are neutral tones and the colors of bark, lichens and moss. Turning to my stash of fabric scraps, I chose a medium weight gray cotton for the base layer. I came across a piece from on old t-shirt with the word “Believe” on it, along with some flourishes. I decided this could be the focal point of the flag. Other pieces of fabric include cotton colored with left over paint from a past project, some eco-printed cotton and some coord…

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Let's Revive the Prayer Flag Project!


Over the past few years I have increasingly been adding fabric and stitching to my mixed media collages and books. Lately I have been working exclusively with fabric and threads. I am enjoying the tactile quality. My fingers touch the materials directly, creating a stronger sense of connection and maybe even communication. Painting, drawing and collage need a mediator between me and the surface – a brush, a pencil, an applicator for the glue.

Slow stitching has become a popular concept in recent …

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The Artist's Way in Midlife and Beyond

Are you entering, or in, your second half of life and asking, “now what?” Are you feeling a pull towards creativity? Or searching for new meaning and purpose? If…

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100 Palm Books


A panoramic view of all 100 books

Back in February I decided to participate again in the 100 Day Project. I decided that I would create 100 books that would be small enough to fit in the palm of my hand, which is where the name comes from. This choice allowed me to:

  • build my bookbinding skills by adding more binding stitch techniques to what I already know. I chose to practice the long stitch, kettle stitch, and coptic stitch.

  • use materials I already have. I’ve been making paper from co…

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Elusive Landscape

We never know how many places of nature meet within the human body. Landscape is not all external, some has crept inside the soul. Human presence is infused wit…

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December Greetings


 December, while the end of the calendar year, is a time of new beginnings. The various religious holidays observed this month celebrate the Bles…

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Autumn's Wisdom



Nature’s Wisdom nourishes my soul. She teaches me lessons with each season.

In Autumn, she brilliantly proclaims, “now is a time of maturing, gi…

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Honoring Hildegard of Bingen


“Viriditas is the greening power of all creation; it . . . exists in animals, fish, birds, plants, rocks, trees, and flowers.”

- Hildegard, Book of Divine Works

I first “met” Hildegard of Bingen in 2014 in the book, The Artist’s Rule, by Christine Valters Paintner. I learned from Christine that Hildegard was a remarkable woman even by today’s standards. She built and ran a monastery, was a healer, naturalist, herbalist, writer, artist, musician, choreographer, teacher, preacher, and more! With suc…

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